What a week this has been! I made it to three countries in a matter of 6 days and had an amazing time everywhere I visited!
Starting off with my flight to my connection in London, I sat by a young girl from Cairo, Egypt. It was so interesting talking to her and comparing customs. She even taught me some Arabic! I then flew to Amsterdam and took the train from the airport to Den Haag where I stayed with a friend from school at DU for a few days. The trains I've used in Europe so far have been really easy to navigate and use, even with everything being in Dutch! Even though I may have looked like an idiot trying to lug my 50 pound suitcase up and down the train station stairs...
I took a sigh of relief once I met up with my friends in Den Haag because it had been such a long 24 hours of travel and I was happy to see some familiar faces! My first full day in Europe was started off at a cute cafe in Leiden. That was when I had the realization that I probably won't ever be able to go back to drinking regular coffee in the states. Help. My friends had to go to class all day so I took the train into Amsterdam and did a little sightseeing myself. Amsterdam is quite an interesting city! I walked around aimlessly for a while then decided to take one of their metro trains to Museum Square. Thats where the "I AM AMSTERDAM" sign is located along with multiple museums surrounding a large park. I rained a lot that day so it was hard to walk around the park but I really enjoyed just being in the city! And the buildings along the canals weren't too shabby either. I met up with my friends later that night in Leiden after their long day of classes.
Amsterdam Centraal Train Station |
"I Amsterdam" sign...being a tourist. |
Canal in Amsterdam |
Leiden |
The next morning we started off the day at another cute cafe and then I said my good-byes and headed off to Maastricht on the train. I loved Maastricht because I have so many friends from school studying at Maastricht University! I spent a day touring the city with one of my friends who didn't have class. We did everything touristy from walking across the bridge to shopping in all the fun boutiques and stores and getting a waffle with ice cream from Pinky's. I think just about everyone told me that I HAD to go to Pinky's while I was there because the waffles were so good....and they were right. I loved catching up with friends in Maastricht even if it was only for a few days!
Maastricht on the water |
Pinky's Waffle. So good! |
On Friday I took a flight from Amsterdam to Copenhagen to visit another friend studying abroad. Getting from the airport to her apartment was extremely easy. There is a train that takes you straight into the city and she lived only a few streets over. Of course I was having a hard time finding her small street so I asked a bicycle taxi for directions. After he told me it was just a few streets over, I decided to ask him if he would be able to take me to her place because I was so tired of lugging my suitcase around. He happily agreed and I pulled up to her apartment in the front of a bike and made quite the entrance! Her apartment is in a great location near the heart of Copenhagen.
Copenhagen |
On Saturday we decided to take the train to Lund, Sweden to visit some sorority sisters studying there. It was so easy because the train ride was only 45 minutes. Lund is a huge college town with almost 40,000 students! The town was so busy during the day and we enjoyed walking around and looking at the all the old architecture and the botanical gardens. The school has been around since the 1600's so there was a ton of cool history within the University.
Walking around in Lund. |
On my last day in Copenhagen I did most of my sightseeing. I went on a run around a beautiful park surrounded by colorful buildings. I love going on runs and long walks in cities because I feel like I can see more than just taking a bus or a taxi. Then I ran down one of Copenhagen's most popular streets for shopping and ended up on the canal. There were all different types of restaurants lined up and down the canal with many places to just sit and enjoy the beauty of Copenhagen. Later that night, my friend Katie and I rode bikes back down to the canal and ate some gelato. The gelato was amazing and the scenery definitely made it better! We then rode the bikes a little around the city by some of Copenhagen's old castles and buildings that were built centuries ago. It seems like most of the cities I've visited so far are built for bikers. It seems like there are more bikes than cars and bike lanes almost everywhere.
The canal in Copenhagen.
This is my last night traveling out of my huge suitcase and backpack. Can't say I'm not excited to finally unpack and start my journey in Paris but I will miss jumping from country to country and seeing so many of my friends. Less than 24 hours until I can call Paris my new home!
Sam I love ready about your adventures. I can only imagine how excited you are to not have to travel with that HUGE suitcase anymore. Can't wait until your next blog. Enjoy.